Genealogy Research Requests

Town of Rome:

Birth, marriage and death records for the Town of Rome date back to the late 1700’s, however, they are not a complete listing as prior to 1892 towns were not required to keep a complete recording of events. 

Request for genealogical research should be made in writing to:

Town Clerk’s Office
Town of Rome
8 Mercer Road
Rome, Maine 04963

When requesting genealogy information, please include all known information; names, dates and location. If a record is found, there is a fee of $15.00 for a certified copy or $3.00 for a photocopy labeled “NOT FOR LEGAL PURPOSES.”

Specific questions regarding our policy for genealogical research should be directed to the Town Clerk’s Office at (207) 397-4011.

Maine State Archives:

The Maine State Archives have birth, marriage and death records for each town in the state from 1892 — 1922. They also keep a list of professional genealogists who will provide research for a fee.

84 State House Station
Cultural Building
Augusta, ME 04333-0084

Search Room: (207) 287-5788
State Records Center: (207) 287-5792

Maine State Archives Website

Maine Office of Data, Research, and Vital Statistics

The Maine Office of Vital Statistics have birth, marriage and death records for each town in the state from 1923 – Present. They also maintain divorce records from state courts. They will accept credit cards.

221 State St.
Augusta, ME 04333-0011

(207) 287-6490

Maine Office of Data, Research, and Vital Statistics

Helpful Tips:

  1. Prior to 1892, towns were not required to file records of birth, marriage and death. Some towns have records before 1892, but these are not a complete recording of events.
  2. Unsure where the event took place? Begin by contacting the state, they maintain copies of records from every town in Maine.
  3. Be sure to check family bibles, city directories, obituaries, old maps, old photographs, town history books, your local historical society and old newspapers for information.